How Schizophrenia Is Diagnosed ? Schizophrenia Awareness Week
2 min readJun 26, 2021
Home “ How schizophrenia is diagnosed ? Schizophrenia Awareness Week
How schizophrenia is diagnosed ?
- Schizophrenia
- comes under severe chronic mental disorder. It affects, nearly 20 million population across the world.
- In schizophrenia, person may feel like, they have lost touch with reality. It results in significant distress for the individual, family members, and their friends.
- Caring for and supporting a loved one with schizophrenia is not very easy. It can be difficult to know, how to react to someone, who is having schizophrenia positive symptoms and schizophrenia negative symptoms.
- With the correct treatment and support, person with schizophrenia can live better life.
Symptoms of schizophrenia
- Symptoms of schizophrenia are very different and strange at times. It can change from mild to severe form. Most of the time it includes delusion, hallucination, disorganized and impulsive behavior.
- Person with schizophrenia usually not always show full symptoms, since these types of symptoms used to increase or decrease during course of treatment. Some schizophrenic person have mild symptoms and demonstrate some signs of illness.
- A large number of schizophrenic patients have severe symptoms, as a result they must take medicines to treat them.
- Schizophrenia is usually seen in late teen years to the early thirties and more earlier in males (late adolescence — early twenties) in comparison to females (early twenties — early thirties).
- First episode of psychosis is usually seen in diagnosis of schizophrenia, in which person shows first symptoms of this illness.
- In this first episode, which starts around mid-adolescence, gradual changes in mood, thinking, behavior and social functioning occur slight earlier.
- Schizophrenia can arise in younger children also, but it is not so common before late adolescence.
What are the symptoms of schizophrenia?
Symptoms of schizophrenia typically divided into the following three categories:
1-Positive symptoms
2-Negative symptoms
3-Cognitive symptoms
- It include distorted perceptions (like changes in hearing, vision, touch, smell and taste), strange behaviors and abnormal thinking.
- Person with such symptoms may lose a common sense of reality. They experience world and themselves in a unclear and hazy way.
- Typically schizophrenic patients experience:
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Originally published at on June 26, 2021.