Top 5 best health products in US for Good Health

Dr. Niraj Singh Yadav
8 min readMay 11, 2021


Top 5 best health products in US

Our health is possibly the most important part of our well-being and long life as human beings.

There are top five best health products in US-

  • Herbal remedies are not new plants. These plants have been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years.
  • Despite this, herbal supplements usually have not received the same scientific analysis. They are not as strictly regulated as medications.
  • However herbs and herbal products including those labeled as “natural” can have physically powerful effects in the body.
  • It is important to find out about possible benefits and side effects of herbal supplements before we purchase.
  • Be sure to discuss with your doctor, particularly if you take any medicines. Patients may have a chronic health problem, pregnant or on breastfeeding.
  • Herbal supplements are a multi-billion dollar global industry that is estimated to hit $8.5 billion by 2025.
  • Herbal supplements are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is not as firmly, as prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) drugs.
  • They come under a category called dietary supplements.

Top 5 best health products in US

2-Coconut Water & Coconut Oil.

  • Coconut water should not to be confused with the more richer coconut milk.
  • Coconut water is a plain liquid extracted from very young (green) coconuts.
  • In terms of carbohydrate and hydration, coconut water gives similar benefits to as achieved by drinking water and eating sports gels, gummy bears, raisins, or other convenient sources of energy,
  • It also depends on your personal preference and workout routine.
  • The harder you are working, the more important it is to have something that’s intended to be easily digested, like conventional sports drinks.
  • Since coconut water has not been researched as much.
  • A recent study showed that coconut water did help 12 athletes rehydrate after exercising, suppressing their thirst just as well as a commercial sports drink and healthier than plain water.
  • But, the study participants didn’t like the taste of coconut water. At the same time as a drink mixer, of course, it is perfectly okay.

Coconut oil

Coconut oilis an edible oil produced from the, meat wick, and milk of the coconut palm fruit.

  • Fatty acids present in coconut oil are mainly medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) , which are shorter than the long-chain triglycerides found in other fats and oils.
  • Medium-chain triglycerides are more easily metabolized by the body, that is the reason, why they are found in infant formulas and used to feed hospital patients.
  • For years, researchers have been advising public to maintain saturated fat consumption to a minimum, simply mean avoiding coconut oil.
  • Some people say that those medium-chain triglycerides can turn up the temperature of your metabolic oven, thus promoting weight loss.
  • Data shows that coconut oil doesn’t raise cholesterol. It primarily raises HDL (High density lipoprotein a type of good cholesterol)and thus improving the all-important ratio of good cholesterol to the bad cholesterol).
  • When you come across at that ratio, coconut oil doesn’t seems too bad.
  • Even though it’s not as good as a mixture of plant oils like
  • However whatever the short-term effects, it is not very clear that whether eating coconut oil over a long time raises the risk of heart attack or stroke or not.
  • The person whose diets are naturally very high in coconut oil has shown surprisingly low rates of heart disease
  • But those people also consume a mostly plant-based diet and are far more energetic than the average American, making straight comparisons very hard.

Top 5 best health products in US


  • Cannabidiol is a compound in the Cannabis plant, also known as marijuana or hemp.
  • Nearly 81 chemicals, identified as cannabinoids, in the Cannabis sativa plant.
  • T.H.C.(delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is the main active constituent in marijuana.
  • Cannabidiol is also produced from hemp, which contains only very small amounts of THC.
  • The passage of the 2018 Farm Bill made it legal to trade hemp and hemp products in the U.S.
  • But it does not mean that all hemp-derived cannabidiol products are legal.
  • Because cannabidiol has been considered as a new drug, it cannot be legally integrated in foods or dietary supplements.
  • Cannabidiol canot be incorporated in products marketed with curative claims.
  • It can only be included in “cosmetic” products, if it contains less than 0.3% THC.
  • In the market there are products consists of cannabidol but these are labeled as dietary supplements.
  • The quantity of cannabidiol contained in these products is not reported precisely on the product label.
  • Cannabidiol is most commonly used , in case of seizure (epilepsy),anxiety, pain, dystonia (a type of muscle disorder), Parkinson disease, Crohn disease, and many other conditions, but there is no good systematic evidence to support these uses.

How does it affects on body ?

  • Cannabidiol has special effects on the brain. The exact reason for these effects is not clear.
  • However, cannabidiol seems to stop the break of a chemical in the brain that affects pain, mood, and mental function, as a result its level increase in the blood.
  • Therefore it reduces psychotic symptoms related with conditions such as schizophrenia (A type of major mental illness).
  • One important thing about cannabidiol is that it is sometimes usually taken with anti seizure medicines.
  • As a result these products are also being study for epilepsy in labs.

Top 5 best health products in US

4- Activated Charcoal

  • Activated charcoal is a type of fine black powder prepared from coal, coconut shells, petroleum coke,, olive pits, sawdust etc.
  • It is usually taken by mouth to treat poisonings. It is also used for person with gas problems, stomach pain, high cholesterol level in blood.
  • Charcoal is activated by meting out at very high temperatures.
  • The high temperatures modify its internal structure, reducing the size of its pores and mounting its surface area as a result it is more porous than regular charcoal.

How does charcoal work?

  • Activated charcoal works by means of trapping toxins and chemicals in the gut, preventing their absorption.
  • Charcoal’s porous texture has a negative electrical charge, which causes it to pull towards positively charged molecules, such as toxins and gases.
  • As a result, it helps it trap toxins and chemicals in the gut area.
  • Since, activated charcoal is not absorbed by your body, it can bring the toxins bound to its surface out of body in the form of feces.

Top 5 best health produts in us


  • Probiotics are the mixture of live beneficial bacteria and yeasts that naturally exist in your body.
  • Bacteria is typically seen in a negative way, as something that makes you sick. But there are two types f bacteria consistently found in our body, good bacteria and bad bacteria.
  • Probiotics are made up of good bacteria that helps maintain your body healthy and working fine.
  • This good bacteria helps you in many ways, including fighting against bad bacteria when you have too much of it, so helping you feel better.
  • Probiotics are fraction of a larger image relating to bacteria and your body is just like your microbiome.
  • Microbiome is just like different community of organisms, such as a forest, that work together to maintain your body healthy.
  • This community is made up of different microbes. We have trillions of microbes present on and in our body.

These microbes are a combination of:

  1. Bacteria.
  2. Fungi (including yeasts).
  3. Viruses.
  4. Protozoa.
  5. Every member of this micro-biome is unique.
  6. No two people have the identical microbial cells even twins are not similar.
  7. For a microbe to be called a probiotic, it must have several properties. It includes being able to:
  8. Be isolated from a human.
  9. Survive in our intestine after being eaten (Ingestion).
  10. Have a confirmed benefit to you.
  11. Be carefully consumed.

Where do probiotics (microbes) stay in our body?

  • The most common place linked to beneficial microbes is our gut is large intestine.
  • There are several locations in our body that host good microbes.
  • These locations are in touch with with the outside world and include our:

How they(probiotics) work?

  • The main work of probiotics, or good bacteria, is to keep a healthy balance in your body.
  • Think of it as maintaining your body in neutral. When we become sick, bad bacteria enters our body and increases in number. As a result it knocks our body out of balance.
  • Good bacteria works against the bad bacteria and re-establish the balance within our body, making we feel better.
  • One other important function of good bacteria is keeping us healthy by supporting our immune function and controlling inflammation.

Some good bacteria can also:

  1. Help our body digest food.
  2. Keep bad bacteria from getting out of control and making you sick.
  3. produce vitamins.
  4. It support those cells lining our gut to prevent bad bacteria that you may have consumed (through food or drinks) from invading our blood.
  5. Breakdown and absorb medications.
  6. This balancing act is naturally occuring in our body all of the time.
  7. We don’t essentially need to take probiotic supplements to make it happen.
  8. Good bacteria is a natural part of our body. Consumption of a well-balanced diet, rich in fiber every day helps to keep the number of good bacteria at appropriate levels.

Originally published at on May 11, 2021.



Dr. Niraj Singh Yadav
Dr. Niraj Singh Yadav

Written by Dr. Niraj Singh Yadav

I am a Neuro-Psychitrist and blogger used to write health and fitness related articles regularly.

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